A Moment for Intentions

I used to consider myself a book hoarder, but not anymore, what I have come to learn is that no matter when you buy and book and how long it may sit on your shelf, it will always find you at the right time.  I was looking for something new and light to read, and per usual I can across a book I have no idea when I purchased, but today I needed it. The book is called, The Book of Intentions,  it literally is exactly what it sounds like, a book of intentions. So because I believe sharing is caring, here are some intentions from the book, I feel are timely. 

I intend

To let the stars’ disappearance with the dawn 

Remind me that just because I can’t see, hear,

Taste, feel, or otherwise perceive something,

It doesn’t mean that it isn’t there

I intend 

To make decisions consciously 

With wisdom and grace 

To move forward, 

Discovering and manifesting my life

In a fresh, spontaneous, and true light

To expect the natural providence

of serendipitous discoveries and events

To embrace each new day and give thanks

For its wealth of possibilities 

I intend 

To disregard a damaged reputation 

In light of present intent and action 

To recognize that “reputation” implies

Judgment and labeling of others 

To comprehend that spiritual law

Deems judgment of others 

Inappropriate and unjust 

I intend 

To maintain my life with gratitude and grace 

To live in harmony and balance, and with purpose 

I intend 

To comprehend that health, happiness, and empowerment 

Come from a spiritual source, 

Both infinite and eternal 

Thank you Dianne Martin for such a simple and profound book.