A(nother) Step into my Light #leoseason
As Leo season commences, the [first of two] full moon(s) in Aquarius got me all the way together. In conjunction with Pluto and an aspect to Saturn, this full moon really allowed me to face where I had been playing small to the detriment of the community.
"Your playing small does not serve the world," Marianne Williamson. So after some much-needed releasing, thanks to my ritual, I was able to see a clear path forward.
What would you do if you could be embraced for shining your brightest?
That was the question I was asking myself.
For practically my whole life, I have been aware of my good communication and oratory skills. It landed me on the speech and debate team as well as in public speaking. I knew I would implement these natural talents in my adult life eventually. Here I was continuing on my journey of self-discovery and thriving, might I add, and this full moon cleared me to see that I could implement these skills into my life now. In fact, it allowed me to become honest with the fact that I have many skills and tools that lie dormant that would be in my best interest to dust off.
So after a necessary ignited spark from my wonderful Aries friend, Arielle, I recorded my first podcast. Podcasting has been something I wanted to do for a while, but the thought of me listening to my voice only, was daunting. Regardless of my good speaking skills, I have always been insecure that my voice was not 'black enough.' But I had a clear purpose, a clear calling. This time it was bigger than my fears. Spirit was telling me it was time. There were a million reasons I could strum up with rebuttals. 'I talk too much, 'What if I end up rambling? I feel stupid just talking to myself for the public. I really should find a co-host, 'I think it would be a lot better as a conversation.' None of these rebuttals were paid any mind. So I got dressed up, followed my intuition, outlined my podcast, and started recording. On my voice memos, I recorded my first episode. Surprisingly, I enjoyed listening to the playback. It was insightful and, I could see the vision for it. And even better than that, I realized at that moment, I was my only competition, EVER. It is always me vs. me, me vs. my own fears, and getting on the other side of my own fears and my doubts about myself was me committed and striving for victory. This was the wildfire Leo energy that I felt after committing to being the BEST at everything I ever want to accomplish. And this is really the beginning of it all.
P.S. Check out the podcast here and tell me what you think.