What to do when there is nothing to do/The Art of doing nothing

The truth is, there will always be something to do. Something to heal, something to work on, a goal to accomplish, a task that needs to get done, hell, our ability to progress is based upon the minuscule habitual tasks that we do everyday that keep the engine running smoothly. However, there are moments in nature and in our individual lives where we are gifted pockets of nothingness. Moments where all the things around us are not so pressing where we have a moment to breathe and bask in the natural state of nothingness. 

Though we rarely find ourselves even acknowledging or taking advantage of these moments; largely due to capitalism and its parasitic nature to have us work until we die and that if we are nothing, always in physical motion we are still and that is a non-progressive place to be.  However I have learned that for humans especially, seeing as though we are often hellbent on being the Gods in our own stories, it is vital for us to get out of our own way by meandering in the land of idleness. Perhaps catch our breath and possibly smell some roses? Although, I’ve stopped and smelled the roses and believe that Outkast may have been on to something. 

I myself have been intimate over the past year or so with the idea of non-work. Non-work as a form of work, yet even then, I must acknowledge my mind’s default to turn even rest into labor. Forreal, it usually is a line item on my will do list or it won’t get done. I would recommend that it is a great place for our over exhausted and often ignored bodies to start. Literally put rest as something to check off your to-do list. Perhaps, you too will get it done. 

When you find yourself staring at this last pressing item to complete your day, I’m sure the anxiety of the abyss is enough to have you making up additional tasks that are much more pressing. However, I would implore you to sit down, breathe and think about how before the leaf of a plant is budded, there is so much happening in the soil that we don't know about. Much that to us appears as nothing at all. Just because you don't see the growth happening, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just because you don't feel like you're in motion, doesn’t mean you are not moving. 

Journal. I recommend writing about your feelings of nothingness as a way to trick yourself into feeling like you are doing something possibly to ease the anxiety, and also as a way to work through this discomfort to find the root that is cutting off the circulation of growth. Listen to jazz, TAKE A NAP! Stretch. Find the most idle way to spend your time. 

We are not conditioned to do nothing. Yet that doesn’t stop nature from presenting us with ample opportunities to get off the hamster wheel and feel our legs. It’s scary, stopping; even for a moment. However, rest is our birthright, which global capitalism and colonialism works overtime to keep us from. See it, right there and indulge in it. Take advantage of this Uranus in Taurus and show your body the pleasure of rest. Explore the art of doing nothing. 

Much Love & Gratitude
