Hello Aries Season! also, The Art of the Start
And so we have found ourselves, coming out of Pisces season; the land of necessary dreaming, into the land of taking the leap and just starting the thing; energy compliments of our benevolent ram, Aries. In these moments, the energy has picked up and is very erratic, to say the least, I feel personally it is a time for us to take a leap in the direction of our dreams; keeping in mind, the part of an entire whole that we individually represent. What part of that whole are you playing? Use all of this steam to work toward what it is that you envisioned during Pisces season. This is the natural progression of the energy, flow with it. Don't worry about f*ckin up, that will happen anyway; AND also, you will have all of Taurus season to assess the quality of your work and fine-tune your operations both internal & external.
I have committed much of my work and therefore, my life to understanding the natural flow and coming into it. Learning that there is so much that I don't control has been such a relief, and also has shown me where the powers that be are in relation to where I am, and the conduciveness of simply becoming in flow with what is always happening. A part of that was simply surrendering and the other part; which I have been learning, practicing, and gaining wisdom around is the way of life and the human way of conditioned living. Coming into the natural flow of seasons; regardless of the damaging and very human effects of global warming, has allowed me to better understand how to work within my purpose. For instance, winter is a time of less external work and more internal work, the period of Scorpio to Pisces is a full season and cycle within itself. Knowing this, I prepare for the slowing down and the often bitter/harshness of the winter season; this season of shedding and drought is hard! And yet, a necessary moment to assess all we have acquired in the other seasons; the quality of that “stuff” be it in whatever form it may come. It is a period given to us to shed, make space, REST, and dream, and if we have planned within ourselves accordingly, we will take every ounce of what that season has to offer, because come Spring, come Aries season, there is so much room for our dreams, our visions to grow and come to fruition, and yet this will only happen if we simply START THE THING. Despite the fear, despite the doubt, despite any attributes of Imposter Syndrome, trust, that simply because the seed was planted in us, it is ours to water. Aries is the beginning of that watering.
Let’s create a garden together!
If we are in alignment with the natural cycle of seasons, we would have prepared our soil(soul) and excavated any weeds, tilled, and replanned what we would like to grow in the upcoming harvest. So here we are with a plan and a dream of the potential of our garden and how it can sustain and aid in our personal mission. By Aries season it is time to put that plan to work. We cannot do any tweaking of work that we have not started. So we begin to follow our map, plant the seeds, water them; do any reading and further educating of our garden and what we must equip ourselves with to efficiently provide and sustain it. We mustn't skip this step. Then comes the part that none of us are really good at, the waiting. Waiting to receive, waiting for growth, this is where the faith and trust in the quality of our work comes into play. By Leo Season, things are in full bloom! Here the fire has now set ablaze from that simple spark of Start that we lit during Aries season.
If you cannot see the cycle, I don't know what to tell you. But for those who read the above and said, “that makes so much sense!” or had an epiphany around how they have been going against or may have been out of the flow of things, this is your sign to start. Today, right now, you can take the above information and apply it. In whatever area of your life you choose. The beauty of seasons is that they each have so many built-in do-overs. Every day is a day to get in flow/ remain inflow. Watch how your life changes by simply learning and paying attention to the seasons and the subsequent life knowledge tools that reinforce that; i.e. astrology, numerology, yoga, tarot, cardology, etc, whatever method of elevated connection you choose to educate yourself around. They are all there whenever you are ready to explore them. Just like your dreams.