20/20 Hindsight

As Mercury stations direct everything is making sense. There is a very thick lifting of fog and I for one am grateful for the clarity I thought I so desperately needed sooner. Starting the year off in review is not the most orthodox way to hit the ground running and maybe that’s the point. To put a halt in our new year resolutions and allow us to look back on where we were, what we wanted before, and how we went about getting it; that way perhaps our resolutions will last past Spring. 

For me it offered me a moment, to be honest with myself. What was holding me back from accomplishing all that I know I am capable of? Or rather who? Of course when you go to a mirror for answers you usually find them in the reflection; only this time with a coat of honestly you cannot gloss over.  My crutch: follow through. I am really good at coming out the gate full speed but somewhere before the finish line which may or may not be in sight, I slow up and eventually stop and soon eventually change lanes and perhaps even go in a slightly different direction. Both the Venus and Mercury retrograde allowed me to see how I have practically been working on a bunch of everything and getting a lot of nowhere because my follow-through game was weak. 

So I moped, brainstormed, questioned, reviewed, reviewed, revisited, and slept (secret life hack) and awoke with a clearer vision, and honestly, all of it felt slightly moot, until today. Feb 3, 2022, when Mercury is stationing direct and everything is just clicking. Like one of those moments when you mentally fit all the right keys in all the right doors and everything unlocks simultaneously, truly brilliant. 

All that to say, it’s all about the questions. Looking in the rearview mirror is less about wasted time and more about revisiting the right and wrong questions. A single answer can change the course of how you do things and/or provide you with something you didn’t necessarily know you needed or were missing until the moment of its presence. And that’s the beauty of hindsight, it always leaves you more whole looking through it, even if at the time; nothing is made to make sense. 
