The House that makes the Home
If I know anything about Pluto, it is that Pluto allows you to completely overhaul and overturn every stone in your life, depending on the area it is transiting. Currently, Pluto; who just went retrograde is transiting through my 2nd house of tangible resources, values, and material possessions and desires. In other words, every physical thing is on the chopping block. I am getting to the root of why I hold what I hold as a human.
What’s interesting is prior to this point, and since I can remember I have always been someone who valued the physical possession of only three things: books, money, and a good pair of heels. I didn’t really need much else as those three things will get me anywhere I need to go. My mom moved me around a lot, so I didn’t grow up with any value of a stable physical space; in fact, I enjoyed the newness and changeability of an environment. With that came the ease of physically owning just what you will need to make it anywhere you are; books, money, and a good pair of heels.
Since having a child or in laments terms a physical human you have ‘ownership’ over, I have found the physical things I need to provide a comfortable and secure environment have grown, abundantly. At first, I resisted it; figured I would raise her how I was raised - being a girl of the world turned wild woman. There are more useful things than what you physically possess and keep in a space.
Value # 1 changing: it doesn’t have to be either/or. Both/and is an option also.
After much deep diving during Pluto’s visit in my 1st house, they arrive in my 2nd house with me feeling secure in the belief that I can provide for both my daughter’s and my dreams simultaneously. That both of our desires have room or can have room made for them to exist in harmony. One does not have to sacrifice the other.
Up until that point, they had. I was sacrificing my dreams to be a mother, and I was sacrificing being a mother for my dreams. Instead, I could manage my resources to allow them to harmonize accordingly. That meant uncovering and analyzing as well as composting where and how I manage my desires, time, money, mind, and values, as well as how all of these things manifest in the physical action of living.
While the 1st house with Pluto was spent unearthing, killing, and birthing all the many aspects of my Self, this 2nd house journey is all about how my Self is reinforced through my values and earthly possessions. Pluto has barely begun its real journey into the underbelly of my material life, and already I can feel much change on the horizon. Some questions I am asking myself during this time are:
How do this thing, habit, and value reinforce who I am today?
Does this align with who I am becoming?
How do I wish to spend my time?
How do I measure what value is in my life?
Is that measurement accurate with my soul?
How do I kill the dying beliefs about my wealth & material resources?
I am maturing, evolving, stepping into my 30s knowing that the way I managed my earthly possessions in my adolescence is vastly different than how I manage them now, the clearest being there is more now to manage. I’m sure Pluto, over the next 2 decades, will have a lot of work to do.