Unspoken Thoughts
We made it y’all!
Despite how unwavering Scorpio season comes around every year, I am never prepared for what it calls me to unearth. Slowly am I stepping into what is culturally dubbed as my ‘soft girl era.’ Divinely ordained for me to get the fuck out of my masculine and learn to receive; I am trying to see what this very feminine, loves all things pink and pearl, version of myself has to say. She has been screaming for attention, to be heard, and gahdammit for me to add some fuckin color to my wardrobe.
A mantra I am anchoring myself to through this awakening is: The version of yourself that you are existing in isn’t the only version that exists. Allow the other parts of your being to take up space even if you are unfamiliar with what color they will paint the walls.
Lengthy I know, I’ll find a more succinct version eventually. For now, I am sifting through paint swatches to find the perfect shade of divine feminine to help this Goddess inside of me flourish. Overall, I am enjoying this new era, as uncomfortable as it may be; all growth is uncomfortable because it’s new. I am embracing the newness of things, the newness of myself, and the re-collecting of my childhood spirit that got lost in the sauce.
One thing I have stood firm on thus far is how sacred and intimate and completely mine this experience is. I am being extremely selfish in this season of my life; in the sense that I am securing my experience primarily to myself, only feeling the need to share when and if I feel absolutely compelled to. It feels so deeply healing to have so many things just be mine and be given [back] to me for me to experience only. I think we all have seasons like that, although it may be hard to be devoted to just your journey entirely. That isn’t to say that you are shutting everyone out because you are choosing to experience something for yourself first. That’s how life goes sometimes. We are all responsible for our own journeys, and when we are able to assist each other or when our journeys intertwine in alignment that is when we are inclined to give.
There are many fundamental truths I am illuminating, some familiar, all still in practice. It’s beautiful, this life; even though it is hard. There is so much to learn, so much to gain, even when you [feel you] have nothing at all, you have everything because you have a Mind and you exist. Remember that.