“I never belonged to myself until I intentionally chose to.”
Peace is a Black, Queer interdisciplinary creative activist and cultural worker of Egyptian & Persian descent. She was a member of one of two national poetry slam teams in Houston and her work has expanded extensively across various social media platforms. She is a grant-funded artist and fellow of Wellspring House, ChaShaMa (ChaNorth), Mauser EcoHouse Residency, Arte Sumapaz, Kolaj Institute, and more, as well as a recipient of Arteles Residency and Can Serrat. Her work can be seen on Write About Now Poetry as well as published in Thorntree Press’ A Whore’s Manifesto. She is currently exploring her voice & philosophy through visual mediums.
The nucleus of Peace’s work is love. Believing the answer to any question and the solution to any problem is Love, Peace creates works across literary and visual mediums vocalizing this ideology through a confrontation with the societal structures of lovelessness. In addition to her individual practice, Peace works as a literary manager, assisting other artists in expanding and understanding the business structures and professional elements required to create a sustainable career and lifestyle in the Arts.
In addition to writing & performing, Peace facilitates workshops on social and emotional intelligence. Considering herself well-versed in a variety of nuanced topics she uses her wit, wisdom, and artistic talent to curate impactful social activities that help us navigate topics around Ego, Race, Agency vs. Autonomy, and more. Contrary to the common definition encapsulated in her name, Peace represents the confidence and grace in being yourself in your skin and not apologizing for it.
“There is a certain peace that one gets with speaking their mind and standing confidently behind their words and/or who they are. That is the type of peace I thrive to embody.” -Peace